Barbara's Random Thoughts

Thursday, May 13, 2004


Today did not get off to a great start. When getting out of my car at work, I managed to spill juice in my lap. In a very bad place. So I spent the first couple hours of the morning with my sweater tied around my waist and my jeans uncomfortably wet.

But things are looking up. I got the phone calls I was dreading out of the way (almost) first thing, and I have only two items left on my list of things to do today. Ok, so they're big things, but it still makes me feel good.

And, as the title says, I'm feeling reclusive. I don't know if it's due to my overly social weekend or what, but I so want to just hide from the world today. Instead, I'm going to be social tonight. Drinks & dinner to celebrate a friend's one year anniversary of her return from the Peace Corps. Tonight will be fun, but tomorrow night I'm gonna determinedly park myself on my couch with some books and maybe my DVD of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
| posted by Barbara | 7:39 PM