Barbara's Random Thoughts

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Where to live...

I've been randomly browsing apartment listings today. My 6-month lease will be up soon (can it really have been that long?!), and I'm suffering from the grass-is-greener syndrome. Plus, I went to a friend's apartment in Mountain View last night and I'm jealous now. For things like a patio and a garbage disposal and more room for bookshelves.

Anyway, check these out. For only $795/month, I could rent an apartment with "new pain." How great is that? Or, I could live on a boat in Half Moon Bay! Seriously, the whole living on a boat thing has a certain charm. The commute to work would suck, driving across the peninsula from Half Moon Bay every morning would not be fun. But when people asked me where I lived, I could say, "On a boat." And that has infinite conversation value. But alas, where would I put all my books?
| posted by Barbara | 12:08 AM