Barbara's Random Thoughts

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I feel compelled to post something so that readers are no longer immediately greeted by me calling out an old friend for finding me online. Really, I don't harass all visitors in this manner. Lurkers, do not be afraid of me, I am not really that scary. Moving on.

Here, for your amusement, is a conversation I had last night with my mother:

M: Have you gotten an email from a boy?
B: I get lots of emails from boys, Mother.
(She continues, unfazed.)
M: Well, from a boy you don't know?
B: What are you up to?
M: Well, Joy asked if she could have your email address to pass on to...I think it was her nephew?...well, she said she was so glad to have a friend who had a daughter who wasn't married...
B: So glad I have that to recommend me...
M: Well, you need to be nice to him, because if you're not, it'll get back to Joy, and I need to continue getting rides to orchestra!

So apparently soon I will be receiving an email from a "nice Christian boy" who's an engineer (surprise!) in Baltimore. I hardly see the point, but there you go. I'm single, he's single, we're both Christians, so of course, we'll get along famously. Woo.

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| posted by Barbara | 6:55 PM