Barbara's Random Thoughts

Friday, July 30, 2004

One of those days...

When I have plenty to do, but no desire to do it.  And so, for your reading enjoyment, I offer you:

20 Questions to a Better Personality

My results:
Wackiness: 52/100
Rationality: 72/100
Constructiveness: 50/100
Leadership: 22/100
You are an SRDF--Sober Rational Destructive Follower. This makes you a font of knowledge. You are cool, analytical, intelligent and completely unfunny. Sometimes you slice through conversation with a cutting observation that causes silence and sidelong glances. You make a strong and lasting impression on everyone you meet, the quality of which depends more on their personality than yours.
You may feel persecuted, as you can become a target for fun. Still, you are focused enough on your work and secure enough in your abilities not to worry overly.
You are productive and invaluable to those you work for. You are loyal, steadfast, and conscientious. Your grooming is impeccable. You are in good shape. 
You are kind of a tool, but you get things done. You are probably a week away from snapping.
Addendum, 2004/07/19: this fits me 99%, there is a slight inaccuracy however. We are not necessarily completely unfunny. If we have a sense of humor (I do) it surfaces on the occasion with well-timed, completely dry, very sarcastic, wit. - Chase

I wholeheartedly concur with the addendum.  I am not completely unfunny.  I got complimented on my sense of humor just last week, thankyouverymuch.  I'm definitely not in good shape, and I think I'm probably far less than a week away from snapping.  =)

Another note: Since I'm right at 50/100 on the Constructive scale, the following is likely also accurate:

You are an SRCF--Sober Rational Constructive Follower. This makes you a White House staffer. You are a tremendous asset to any employer, cool under pressure, productive, and a great communicator. You feel the need to right wrongs, take up slack, mediate disputes and keep the peace. This comes from a secret fear that business can't go on without you--or worse, that it can. If you have a weakness, it is your inability to say "no." While your peers respect you, they find it difficult to resist taking advantage of your positive attitude and eagerness to take on work. You depend on a good manager to keep you from sinking under the weight and burning out.

| posted by Barbara | 12:31 AM