Barbara's Random Thoughts

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Keeping up with myself

Tonight I discovered my baby book in the closet in my room. Tucked inside the front cover were the following newspaper clippings, which I feel compelled to share. Our local library, like most libraries, always had a "summer reading scheme" for kids. I won the thing two years in a row.

Look at my smug little smile as I display my certificate and prize! Please note that I am the youngest of the winners. =) There's no picture with this clipping from the following summer, but I love the headline and the effusive praise of my reading accomplishments:

Earlier in the week, I was looking over what I've read so far this year and comparing it to last year. I haven't yet reached a total that would match my summer reading in either 1984 or 1985. Neither have I matched my total books read from last year. This year so far: 27 books. Last year: 42. Maybe I can catch up with myself in the next month, but I doubt it.


| posted by Barbara | 5:09 AM