Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Labor Day
What I did this weekend (should you care):
- Assembled a shelf from IKEA, put up a towel bar, and did various other house-y things.
- Sprawled on a blanket on the lawn and read lots of books.
- Watched a total of seven episodes of Alias on DVD.
- Played my violin for the first time in nearly a year.
- Went to see Garden State with Julie. (I really need distinguishing names for all the Julies I know. Let's clarify: Roommate Julie.)
That's about it, folks. I'm lazy. Plus, last weekend was so busy, I figured I owed myself a weekend of lazing around on a blanket reading YA books and barely leaving home.
Oh, wait, I taught Sunday School, too. See, I'm not completely lazy! And just look at all the blogging I've been doing today! I'm making up for last week all in one day. Enjoy it while it lasts.
| posted by Barbara | 2:04 AM