Barbara's Random Thoughts

Monday, March 14, 2005

And another note...

This weekend was fun. I had some friends over to play Trivial Pursuit on Friday, and my first attempt at making white wine sangria was successfully yummy. I slept till noon on Saturday (following some very odd dreams...nothing to do with the sangria), and enjoyed my usual weekend chat with my best friend. It was good to be lazy on Saturday, even in the midst of some self-doubt chronicled here...

On Sunday, the weather was beautiful (spring is definitely here!), and I had fun hanging out in the park with Julie C. Good conversation and leftover alcohol-laden fruit from Friday night, yay! Then it was off to a fun bridal shower, and when I got home I made my roommates go with me to the park to look at the stars.

So, yeah. Good weekend. And I must note that the next time I play Trivial Pursuit, I will answer "Nixon", "Tokyo", and "AOL" far more often. And also I must note that because "spring is here!" I wore a short skirt and flip-flops today, and as a result, my legs are freezing. Time for lunch outside in the sun!
| posted by Barbara | 10:22 PM