Barbara's Random Thoughts

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Weekend part 2

The rest of my weekend...

Sunday morning, I got to church at an unearthly hour (7:40!) in order to run through a solo, and then rehearse with the worship team before first service. Because of the uncertainty of my plans for the weekend (I can't go/I'm going!/I'm not going/I am going!), Sarah hadn't gotten the message that I actually was coming after all. But she switched people around and I got to sing anyway. It cracks me up--Sarah and I exchanged a look when I noticed she'd changed some words on one of the songs we did. She commented that yes, some things never change! The service was really cool--they'd changed things up a bit (some things do change) and had Pastor Bob's preaching interspersed with some of the worship songs, and even the greeting time, since the message was focused on community. Kinda cool.

The service on Sunday really prompted me to evaluate where I am and what God is doing in my life right now. Though I'm so slow to learn at times, I feel like I really have been growing and that I've been more on track in the last few months. God's working, and it was good to recognize that. We sang "One Pure and Holy Passion," and I felt God calling me, as He always does, into deeper relationship with Him.

"Give me one pure and holy passion
Give me one magnificent obsession
Give me one glorious ambition for my life
To know and follow, Lord, after You." (words changed by Sarah...)

I've been very conscious lately of my need for community, to be more involved in ministry, to spend time daily in the Bible, but what I've neglected is a deeper walk with God Himself. He wants my heart.

For I desire loyalty and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. (Hosea 6:6)

Sunday afternoon, I went over to my sister's house. She came to the door holding Johnny, and he gave me this big smile, kind of like: "Hey, I know you!" That was cool. I feel like I'm missing so much of his life--babies change so quickly! I was around so much more when the girls were babies, and I'm missing that with Johnny. I spent the whole afternoon playing with my nieces...Crazy 8s, Monopoly Junior, jump rope, roller skates and various other ride-on toys...and watching my nephew toddle all over the house. He just started walking on Thursday last week. It was so much fun to hang out with the kids!

After dinner at Nancy's, I went over to Kristy & Nathan's new place to see them and meet new baby Judah. Who is adorable, I might add. Kristy--it's so weird and yet so very cool to see you as a mom. =)

Kristy and I went upstairs so she could retrieve some books she'd borrowed from me ages ago. We stood in front of her bookshelves, just talking about books. I'm such a nerd--but standing in front of a bookshelf is one of my favorite things to do. It was one of those: "Well, have you read this?" "Oh, you need to read this!" conversations. I went away with a few more books besides my own. I also continued my trend of ruining things by looking at Kristy's books for Judah and pointing out that perhaps "Pat the Bunny" is a name and not an action. Pat, the bunny of indeterminate gender. Sorry, Kristy.

And that was pretty much my weekend. I headed home (heh, back to the Bay...where is home, really?) on Monday, and now I'm wondering where the week has gone.
| posted by Barbara | 9:27 PM