Barbara's Random Thoughts

Monday, April 19, 2004

Cursory remarks

There are bits and pieces of things kicking around in my head that I want to blog about, but I haven't actually taken the time to write lately. I'm hoping I'll have time to do that this week, so stay tuned for some of the following:

I wrote up something last week about Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, only to find that it was more about me than about the movie. Then I decided what I wrote was far more personal than I wanted to post on my blog, so maybe an abbreviated version will show up here when I have a chance to abbreviate it.

On Saturday, I finally saw The Passion. I am really glad I went to see it, and it was an amazing film...but I'll post more thoughts on it later.

I was supposed to get my couch yesterday, but didn't. Not for lack of trying. Pier 1 just wasn't cooperative. Grrr. Hopefully it will be delivered (for FREE!) this week.
| posted by Barbara | 7:10 PM