Barbara's Random Thoughts

Friday, April 23, 2004

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

I loved this movie. I really can't say that enough. It was an amazing movie in so many ways. But as I started to write about it, I realized that right now I'm more interested in my reaction to the movie and the way it made me think.

I left the movie with such a strong sense that love is worth it no matter what. That no matter how difficult the experience, it is never worth forgetting. That even if relationships hurt and even if they don't work out, they should still be pursued, because the journey is worth it.

I've heard and read quite a few interpretations of the ending of the movie. And I think it was ambiguous and definitely open to interpretation. You can take it to mean that we are doomed to repeat our mistakes. You can take it to mean that fate controls everything, no matter how hard we fight against it. Or you can walk away from the movie as I did: convinced that love is worth it, no matter how much it hurts. And that the experience is worth remembering, even if it rips your heart out.

I was talking to Yoori about the movie a few weeks ago, and she challenged me to put some action behind these words and go after something I'm scared of pursuing. And it's funny, because she's right. I believe strongly that love is worth the risk, and yet I have an extremely hard time acting on that. I'm such a defeatist.

So I'll see. Perhaps life will offer me the opportunity to act on these thoughts, and then again, maybe not. There's the pessimist in me emerging yet again. I can be such a paradox...
| posted by Barbara | 6:09 PM